Healthy Community Requirements

Mental Health

To qualify for the Healthy Utah Community designation, cities and towns must implement strategies to improve mental wellbeing. Below is a list of recommended strategies with resources for each.

Recommended Mental Health Strategies

Destigmatize mental illness through a community campaign or event

Encourage community members to talk openly about mental health and seek resources by putting on a community mental health campaign or event.


Increase awareness of mental health hotlines or local resources available in your community

Many resources exist to help individuals during a mental health crisis, but too often these resources are underutilized. Engage in a concerted, organized effort to increase awareness of resources in your community.


Offer suicide prevention trainings for individuals and/or organizations in your community

Offer suicide prevention trainings throughout your community to ensure that residents feel equipped to intervene during a mental health crisis.


Train first responders on mental health crises and suicide prevention

Give first responders the tools they need to intervene during mental health crises, and ensure that they have access to mental health resources for themselves and their loved ones.


Address mental illness among youth by promoting a mental health resource, program, or best practice in schools

Introducing mental health programs and resources in schools can be a powerful way to reach youth experiencing poor mental health.


Implement a strategy to promote safe use and disposal of medications

Help prevent suicide, addiction, and accidental overdose by providing locations and resources for the safe disposal of medications.  


Implement a strategy to promote safe use of guns

Ensure safe gun use in your community by offering free gun locks and safes, training programs, or buy-back programs.


Implement policies that limit access to addictive substances

Reduce access to addictive substances by limiting the density of alcohol outlets, regulating the use of cigarettes/vaping devices, etc.


Implement one new worksite wellness strategy around mental health among city employees and/or local businesses

Implement a strategy to improve mental wellness among employees in the community.


Provide free Naloxone training and rescue kits to community members

Ensure that community members have the skills and resources needed to save a life following an opioid overdose.


Host a reoccurring community event that promotes social connection among a vulnerable demographic

Provide opportunities for vulnerable community members to gather and build social connection. Examples can include holding community lunches for seniors, providing afterschool programs for children, creating sports leagues for individuals with a disability, etc.


Beautify, enhance, or create a section of the community that promotes social gathering and connection

Create or enhance an area of the community where community members can gather and interact.


Implement a program, reoccurring event, or establish an area of the community that promotes connection with nature

Provide opportunities for community members to spend time outdoors.


Partner with a local organization to implement a program listed on the Mental Health Menu of Services

In addition to the above strategies, you may also choose to implement a program listed in the Mental Health Menu of Services. Each program you implement will be counted as a strategy towards the designation.

Menu of Services

Is your community doing other things that you think may qualify you for the Healthy Utah Community designation?
Contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to check if they count towards the designation.